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Best Times to Look for the Perfect Athens Ohio Rentals

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Best Times to Look for the Perfect Athens Ohio Rentals

Athens is a college town with abundant student housing. There are lots of Athens Ohio Rentals that come in all shapes, sizes, and with different amenities. While we recommend looking right away once you know you’ll need housing, there are several things that you need to consider. We sign leases all year long, but we sign most of our leases at the beginning of fall semester. It’s good to remember that in this town, the early bird usually gets the most desirable worm. 

Decide What You Want First

athens ohio rentalsDo you want to live with several roommates or by yourself? Does the nightlife on Court Street seem appealing to you? Do you want to live on Palmer Street for your senior year(s)? What about living in the country? How many bathrooms do you need? Have you ever considered having a pet? Will you need a vehicle and where will you park it? What is my? The list is not endless, but there is much to consider before starting the search. Addressing these issues now makes it easier to narrow your selection list later on.

Recognize Rental Seasons

Now that you’ve made your list of deal breakers, you’ll also need to understand the rental seasons associated with Athens Ohio Rentals. Student housing rents all year long in Athens. The prime locations and the best places, however, are all taken at least 6 months in advance. The really desirable places are often rented 24 months in advance, sometimes more. Ohio University usually has dorm locations available throughout the year as well.

Pull the Trigger on Athens Ohio Rentals

So you’ve found those couple places that you like and it’s time to seal the deal. Make sure you don’t delay. The best places usually go very quickly and sometimes without notice. Contact the property manager to find out the status of the property and also schedule an appointment to sign a lease. You may need to fill out an application or submit other required documentation as well. Speak with somebody on the phone to get more information and also to secure an appointment. Remember that you should always contact us first at Bobcat Rentals when you are looking for the best housing.