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Five Stages of being Locked Out of Ohio University Apartments

Category: Category:   Bulletin Board

It happens to everyone. You’re leaving your Ohio University Apartments, maybe just to talk to a friend down the hall or to grab a bite to eat. You return and realize you’ve left your entry key on your nightstand. Right next to the Gatorade and aspirin you’ve been chasing down for your hangover. You’re about to enter…

The Five Stages of Being Locked Out of Ohio University Apartments

  1. Denial:

    This can’t be happening! You always make sure you have your wallet/purse and your keys with you when you leave. It’s just part of your routine. You put your keys in your pocket, and leave. It’s gotta be in one of your pockets somewhere!

  2. Anger:

    This is all your roommate’s fault! Why didn’t they remind you to grab your key before leaving the Ohio University Apartments? Also, why does your landlord only give you one key per person? It’s not your fault you can’t remember to always be holding something even smaller than a baseball card!

  3. Bargaining:

    Time for you to pray. “O mighty Rufus, please open this door so I can retrieve my entry key and also another aspirin. In return, I will never skip class and I won’t jaywalk across Court Street. I’ll also scream at the top of my lungs for every football game. Just let me have this one thing, O mighty Rufus.”

  4. Depression:

    There’s no hope. How can you be a successful college student when you can’t even remember to carry a damn entry key when you step two feet outside those Ohio University Apartments? Why don’t you make a meeting with your adviser so you can just switch your major to Failure?

  5. Ohio University Apartments Acceptance:

    You walk down to the landlord’s office, defeated. “I locked myself out,” you say, “can I have a loaner key or can maintenance let me in?” You go back to your place, dejected but also assuring yourself you won’t make the same mistake again. At least not for the next day or two.

    Ohio University Apartments