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Apartments Near Athens Ohio And Things To Pack

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Odd things no one tells you to bring to Apartments Near Athens Ohio

Move-in day is just around the corner. Are you ready? If you’re a freshman, you’re probably not. It’s okay. We’ve all been there. There are tons of lists out there that assure you they tell you everything you need. Problem is, these lists suck. Thanks, we had no idea we needed a pillow and sheets. So here are some items that you don’t really see on those lists that you’ll probably end up wanting (or needing) in your Apartments Near Athens Ohio.


I told my mom she was crazy for thinking I needed to bring a sewing kit to my Apartments Near Athens Ohio. Then I spent all year going up to the next floor borrowing my friend’s. Sorry mom. You were right.

Bulbs and Batteries

Wal-Mart eagerly awaits for you to spend lots of money on a single battery for your remote control or whatever. Just bring that stuff from home to avoid the trip to the store and the price gouging.

A Vacuum for Apartments Near Athens Ohio

A Swiffer instead if you have hard floors. With the amount of traffic going in and out of what’s essentially a one-room apartment, it won’t take long for your floor to get gross. Long haireds often have the problem of getting hair everywhere. You must sweep every couple of weeks or you won’t be able to see your original rug.


Most old dorms have cable, so don’t forget a coaxial cord to plug your TV in. Fire Sticks and Chromecasts don’t use coaxial cable. So if you wanna stream something, bring the right gear.

Sunscreen and Bug Spray

No, you’re not going on vacation, but yes, you’ll be going outside of your apartment at some point. If you want to lay out and tan or play sand volleyball, you might want to think before you fry. And if you head out at night, bug spray can also be a real lifesaver too.

Water Bottles for Apartments Near Athens Ohio 

Almost every drinking fountain has a bottle filler, and most dining halls have those fancy machines. Basically: free drinks wherever you go if you remember to bring a reusable bottle. Plus you aren’t being wasteful. That’s also pretty nice.

This almost qualifies as a partial list. It serves as a reminder for the things we use from time to time, that we forget when packing. Next time you use something in your house, think if it is something necessary to have in a pinch or on occasion when you’re living on your own.

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