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Athens Ohio Rental Companies

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Who wants to move? Better yet, who needs to move? Do you happen to have any idea where you plan to start looking? In a college town like ours, Athens Ohio Rental Companies receive lots of action when it comes to helping people that are moving. These places manage the majority of available housing in the local area. From multi family apartment buildings to single family houses, these companies are the official source for housing in most college towns. So, of course it also makes perfect sense to give them a holler when you start your search. I mean, you can probably find dozens in our little town alone.

Big Athens Ohio Rental Companies

Before going into the thick of it, we need to establish what Athens Ohio Rental Companies are. They come in all shapes and sizes. From owning and/or managing hundreds of bedrooms to owning and managing just a single one bedroom house. Loosely defined, we will say the ‘Big’ companies have over 150 managed bedrooms. Keep in mind that this is our definition, not the webster’s merriam official definition. Using that metric, we will come to find about 15-20 big dogs in our town. Each one manages their business a little differently. Bottom line is that they currently run the show around town.

Mom And Pop Rentals

They still exist, especially around these parts. We don’t typically think of people owning one or two rentals as Athens Ohio Rental Companies. But we should reconsider. These little companies certainly outnumber the local big dogs when you discover just how many there are. The second job of landlord is also quite common with man locals. Many of the people living here would not be able to support themselves without this reliable source of supplemental income. Many of these rentals near Ohio University are also passed down through the families for generations.

Athens Ohio Rental Companies Pic