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Athens Uptown Apartment Moving

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Are you ready to move into your Athens Uptown Apartment? Did you know that moving ranks number three in life stressors, right after death and divorce. Moving is so stressful for most people that it makes the list of monumentally life-changing events. Whether you’re doing it yourself or hiring a moving company, the decisions and emotions are the same. With security deposits, movers, and entire days dedicated to packing, moving into place can be expensive. But there are plenty of cheap options you should consider. Here are some helpful tips to make sure you’re sticking to your budget and your process goes smoothly!

Athens Uptown Apartment Planning

Avoid stress by planning ahead. There’s the old saying, “life is what happens to us while we’re making other plans,” but you don’t just have to sit back and let it happen to you. Be proactive, not reactive. Planning is the easiest way to make your move to your Athens Uptown Apartment very smooth and also cheap.

Pitch It

Throw some things away. When was the last time you read that stack of magazines now producing families of dust bunnies in the corner? What about the sports equipment you bought with such good intentions that are now just another place to hang clothes? Moving is the ideal time to ditch the excess baggage you’ve been carrying around. Especially if you’re moving from your parents spacious house to your slightly smaller Athens Uptown Apartment, just take what you really think you’ll need, you can always get more stuff later!


Don’t assume that your move is going to be the same process every time. Conveniences and prices change like everything else. Taking the time to shop around and understand your options will alleviate some of that stress we just talked about. Consider both moving companies and just renting a UHaul, it’ll all depend on how much you’re bringing to your Athens Uptown Apartment.

Athens Uptown Apartment Boxes

Don’t Buy Boxes. Just don’t. Chances are you know a few people that will have at least a couple of boxes. You don’t want to waste your beer money on that.

Fancy Financing

Take advantage of any favors owed by friends or acquaintances. Those three weekends in a row you spent helping your buddy move? It’s time for payback. Spread out the tasks so that you have help packing and moving. Be appreciative; saying thank you doesn’t cost anything. But for real you’re a college student, you can pay your friends in the beer money you saved by not buying boxes.

Now that you’ve got the basics down we hope you have a wonderful move into your Athens Uptown Apartment near Ohio University!

Athens Uptown Apartment Pic