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Court Street Rental House

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Sharks are a group of fish known as elasmobranch. They have a cartilaginous skeleton and have five to seven gill slits. Sharks also have pectoral fins. The earliest known sharks lived over 420 million years ago. There are over 500 species of sharks. Over 140 of those species are either vulnerable or endangered. Some of the more well -known species of shark include great whites sharks, mako sharks, hammerhead sharks, tiger sharks and blue sharks. One thing you will not have to worry about in your Court Street Rental House is sharks. There are no sharks that live in uptown Athens, near Ohio University

Court Street Rental House

Basking sharks live as the second largest shark on the planet. The sharks moves slowly and is a filter feeder. Basking sharks have a very large mouth which comes in handy when you are a filter feeder. For some time the Basking shark has been a shark species that is commercially important. It is mainly used for its meat as food and for its shark liver oil. Overexploitation has greatly reduced the amount of Basking sharks in the ocean. You will not find any Basking sharks near your Court Street Rental House.

Shark Life

Great White Sharks are another notable shark. You can see a depiction of the Great White Shark in the movie Jaws, which you can watch at your Court Street Rental House. Female Great Whites can be up to twenty feet long and weigh five thousand pounds. Great Whites travel long distances and eat copious amounts of food. For these reasons it is not feasible for them to live at an aquarium or in captivity. Fortunately, you will not find any Great Whites near your house.

Whale sharks are also the largest known shark and fish species. The Whale shark lives as a filter feeder. The mouth of a whale shark also spans five feet wide. The whale shark gets its name because it is the size of some whales. Whale sharks live in all of the tropical and temperate waters of the ocean. It would be nice if there were tropical waters near your Court Street Rental House. Despite being extremely large, whale sharks are not a danger to humans. They are also filter feeders and have no interest in eating humans. The best place to learn more about sharks is in the comfort of your very own crib.

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