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3 Bedrooms Athens

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Now that spring is here its time for fresh fruit. Do you enjoy watermelon? If so you’re in luck. It is almost that time of year. Living here at 3 Bedrooms Athens is nice since its a short walk to the farmers market. It’s great we have a market so close to Ohio University. We also enjoy the local grocery watermelon. Watermelon is a flowering plant also a species of the cucurbitaceae family. It is a vine like plant also its a popular fruit world wide. It also has over 1,000 varieties.

3 Bedrooms Athens

Watermelon is grown in favorable climates from tropical temperatures. Also temperate regions. It is also a large fruit, which is a berry. The fruit can be eaten raw also pickled. You can also cook it. Did you know that watermelon dates back to 3500 BC? In 2022,a study released on seeds. They make sure to develop disease resistant varieties. How exciting is that? We love watermelon and are happy it is here. We will be thankful for healthy watermelon and often buy watermelon at our local farmers market.

Since watermelons are so sensitive to cold, this means in many areas you must start them indoors in the spring in seed pots. A good time frame to do this is about four weeks before you expect to be able to put them in the ground. Plant seeds with your preferred seed-starting method, whether it is peat pots, peat pellets, homemade cardboard or newspaper pots, or store-bought seed trays of soil. Seeds can be planted two in a pot, and thinned out after germination. Poke them into the soil about an inch down and cover with soil. If you are starting them in the garden, they will flourish best in hills. Add fertilizer when starting seeds to help germination and early growth. Always check your zone before planting. Hopefully you enjoyed these tips on watermelon and fun facts.

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