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Apartment Complex Athens Ohio

Category: Category:   Bulletin Board

For many people around Ohio University, time surely seems to fly every spring. Every apartment complex Athens Ohio prepares for a mass migration known locally as college move out. Some who are lucky enough to work in the trenches during that time have also named the first week. Hell week. That’s right and remember there is no attempt at being sarcastic here either. The majority of all the local off campus housing providers flip many of their rentals during that week. A task like that lends itself to stressful situations and webs of planning that also requires months of preparation. But who cares? Right? Nobody really.

Apartment Complex Athens Ohio Easter

Easter around these parts usually represents a small break in the weekslong parade of weekend parties known as fest season. The coronavirus changed all that for the time being. It also squashed many apartment complex Athens Ohio dreams in the process. You see, two years ago people signed leases on party houses in preparation for fest season. When the virus hit last year right before fest season, well, those people missed out last year. Now, since we all thought this would blow over more quickly, the places leased again with parties in mind. Well, when changes never arrived the current residents get screwed this year. Hopefully the cycle stops here.

Full Circle

Now that we can actually see and experience some change with the vaccine rollout, life returns somewhat. A difficulty for coming full circle will remain with all who distrust the government vaccination efforts. Many people stay skeptical for many different reasons. That is their right and their choice, just like which apartment complex Athens Ohio you prefer. A public relations education campaign with bipartisan sponsorship and support should solve most of those trust issues. The problem is getting those fools to all agree on the same thing is impossible.

Apartment Complex Athens Ohio Pic