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Move-In Essentials for Apartments Athens Ohio

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What to Bring for Apartments Athens Ohio

Moving to new Apartments Athens Ohio makes things hectic at times. Follow this checklist as a reminder for some of those things you can’t forget. If you overlook that important item at home, there’s probably a store nearby that has a suitable replacement. You can always contact Bobcat Rentals for help.

Apartments Athens Ohio

Some Essentials

  • Don’t forget to pack bed sheets and a pillow so you can have a comfortable, full-night’s sleep after a long day of moving.
  • Pack chargers for all of your electronics that you need to use the next day.
  • If you don’t have an alarm clock app on your phone, pack a portable alarm clock to make sure you’re not late for work the next morning.
  • Include essential toiletries such as shampoo, toothpaste, deodorant, and toilet paper.
  • Remember to pack a shower curtain so you can wash off all of the dirt and sweat that results from the moving process.
  • Bring food that is easy to prepare and all of the items needed to make it.
  • You will need dishes and utensils to serve your easy-to-make food. Pack enough for yourself, others living with you, and those who helped you move.
  • Include snacks and water bottles for Apartments Athens Ohio.

And Also….

  • Pack a nice pair of scissors to open sealed boxes.
  • You will probably come up with a long to-do list after your first day. Include a pad of paper and a pen or pencil.
  • If you need a caffeine boost in the morning, bring tea bags or instant coffee.
  • Make sure to pack any medications that you need.
  • When you are moving heavy items, you are bound to accumulate a few scratches. Pack a first aid kit that includes Band-Aids, ibuprofen, antiseptic wipes, and an Ace bandage.
  • Include a basic tool kit and duct tape in case you need to make any minor repairs to your Apartments Athens Ohio.

Before you move into your Apartments Athens Ohio, or any form of housing, be sure that you have all of these items. Being prepared will give you a nice sense of security and help your first night go as smoothly as possible.