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Athens Off Campus Apartments

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Doing our garden planning is a favorite annual gardening tasks. However it can be a lot of work. Here are some tips to help you. People in our Athens Off Campus Apartments near Ohio University noticed several beautiful gardens within walking distance to our property. Now dreaming takes over about all the plants you’d like to grow and where you’d like to plant them. Spring garden planning focuses mainly about the vegetable garden, also you can also add in some herbs, flowers, fruits, perennials. Don’t forget the trees or shrubs if you like!

Athens Off Campus Apartments

Start your spring garden planning by making a list of all the plants you’d like to grow this year. If possible, sort them into categories like vegetables, flowers, also herbs. Then you can start shopping around for different varieties of each vegetable. Also make sure you’re planting varieties that are well-suited to your local climate. For annual plants, this means waiting until the weather is warm enough to plant outdoors. Also overwintering plants, check that the plant is winter-hardy in your local growing zone.

Your garden planning also includes preparing your garden beds for planting. Get out your shovels, rakes, spades, and pruners, and clean up your garden space! This usually involves removing leaves and also composting any other leftover debris from last season. Also for perennial garden beds, take some time in early spring to remove overwintered plant debris and add it to the compost bin. Look for signs of new growth appearing from the base of perennial plants, and also for green sprouts coming up from any flowering spring bulbs in the area.

Early spring is also the perfect time to prune most shrubs and trees in and around the garden. Lastly, consider adding heavy-duty garden hoops over the soil if you’re planting seeds in early spring. These hoops easily cover the garden with a protective fabric called “frost cover” in the early spring. In the summertime, they can also be used to hold up insect netting to keep out pests. I hope these tips can help in along your gardening journey.

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