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Green Cleaning For Athens OH Apartments

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We’re supposed to “treat our body as a temple”, but what about our literal temples? If you’re someone who already strives to live an all-natural life when it comes to pesticide-free food and non-synthetic skincare, then making an effort to use greener cleaning products with your Athens OH Apartments seems like the sensible next step.

Stocking a supply of eco-friendly cleaning formulas can definitely benefit your Athens OH Apartments. It can also have a wider impact. According to the EPA, “Buying cleaners in concentrates with appropriate handling safeguards, and reusable, reduced, or recyclable packaging, reduces packaging waste and transportation energy.” Next, we describe a cleaner easily made from common items also found around the house.

Supplies for Athens OH Apartments

  • Bucket and/or spray bottle
  • Mop and/or cloth
  • White vinegar
  • Water

Vinegar does have a smell, so you may want to work in a well ventilated area if possible. Ventilation is important for any scenario in which you’re using cleaning materials. It’s less critical when using nontoxic recipes such as the ones in this list. If it bothers you, try adding a drop or two of essential oil. Citrus scents, such as orange and lemon, evoke a sense of “cleanness” for many people. Others from the Ohio University area like lavender or vanilla.


  • Mix Your Solution. Mix about one cup of white vinegar with one gallon of warm (not hot) water. You can use a tiny bit if you’re only working on a small area. The solution stores fine, so don’t be afraid to make the whole batch. If desired, also add a drop or two of essential oils.
  • Spray and Wipe Your Floors. If you’re using a spray mop in your Athens OH Apartments, fill the mop’s reservoir with your homemade solution. Spray and wipe your floors, being careful not to saturate wood floors. Everything should be left gleaming and not soggy. Wring out your cloth each time after dipping it in the water. If necessary, wipe down with a clean, dry cloth. Exercise caution when walking on those newly cleaned floors.

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