Thinking about painting your Athens Ohio Apartment Rentals? Housing for Ohio University college students sometimes blurs the lines between clean, messy, and filthy. This happens even if the property owner tries his or her very best to keep the place nice. If you think that you might want to dress up the place, painting is an option. There are several things to keep in mind before diving in to a paint job.
Ask Athens Ohio Apartment Rentals Landlords
The the first step, and also the most important step, is obtaining permission from the property owner to make changes. If you want problems with the landlord, go ahead and paint the place before asking for approval. We don’t recommend that. Talk with the landlord first and explain your plan. Understand that the landlord will probably make recommendations, which you should take as instructions. You will only live there for a year or two. They manage the property long after you leave and will own the paint you put up. Landlords usually paint certain colors for certain reasons. Often, they do not want to switch colors just because of your tastes.
Hard Work
It looks easy, but painting can be difficult and time consuming. The prep work alone often takes longer to do the actual painting in Athens Ohio Apartment Rentals. Then you also have to clean up your messes. The actual painting is not for the faint of heart either. Trimming, rolling, and spraying requires manual labor, concentration, and discipline. If you don’t think you have that level of commitment, you might want to pass on the idea.
Is It Affordable?
Crunch the numbers to find out the initial cost estimates for painting Athens Ohio Apartment Rentals. After seeing the numbers you plan to spend before doing the actual work can be sobering. Paint can be quite expensive and you often need multiple coats to properly cover the surface. When your lease expires, remember that the landlord might want you to paint the place back to the original color.