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Campus Apartment Athens

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If you enjoy summer meals like we do then read on. The team at Campus Apartment Athens have some good recipes. You can find many places here at Ohio University to cook out also. Speechless. That’s what you’ll be after trying these grilled tomatoes (at least, we hope!)  These grilled tomatoes work as a side dish or appetizer for a grilled dinner. Drizzle with olive oil and top with fresh herbs, and it’s the very best summer treat you could imagine. You also only need a handful of ingredients for grilled tomatoes! The tomatoes in particular should be good quality. 

Campus Apartment Athens

Here’s what you need:

Large, firm ripe tomatoes: this is important! The tomatoes must be ripe, but not so soft that they’ll fall apart on the grill.

Olive oil

Salt and pepper

Fresh herbs: we used fresh thyme and oregano

Great grilled tomatoes start with great tomatoes. While some cooking methods can cover over sub-bar ingredients, grilling requires great tomatoes.

Here’s what to know:

Best choice: Local farmers market tomatoes, heirloom tomatoes, or garden tomatoes. These are full of the most nuanced, tasty flavor. And you can support local growers!

Ripe grocery store tomatoes: Grocery tomatoes are best during tomato season. If you’re buying in the off season, some brands of hydroponic greenhouse tomatoes can have better flavor. Just don’t buy pink or hard tomatoes.

Campus Apartment Athens

Preheat a grill to medium high heat: that’s 375 to 450 degrees Fahrenheit.

Cut the tomatoes in half : around the horizontal axis, not through the top.

Rub with olive oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper.

Grill 4 to 5 minutes per side, until tender and charred. Be very careful when flipping the tomatoes, and use a confident, strong motion with your spatula.

We also think making it your own is a great way to add some flare to it. You can add feta cheese or some fresh mozzarella to it!

Campus Apartment Athens Pic