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Campus Rental Uptown

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We here at Campus Rental Uptown near Ohio University have a tip on puppy training.

The best way to train a puppy is to conduct lessons when they are well-rested. Make sure they are ready to go but not too excited. It also  might be tougher for them to focus. Before you begin, take your pup outside for a bathroom trip, and make sure to take them out right after you finish as well.

You’ll need a pocket full of high-value puppy treats. Puppy training requires lots of rewards. You may also want to buy some small bite treats.

Campus Rental Uptown

Basic training lessons should take place in a familiar, distraction-free environment. You and your puppy will eventually transition to working outside and in new spaces. Also the training initial stages should be happening in a low-key spot so that it’s easy for your pup to focus on you. The more can focus on the training, the puppy learns more quickly and completely. It often seems difficult and not worth it on the tough days. Your diligence will pay off once you finally reach the end.

It’s also helpful to have a few puppy toys ready to go. Also you should s take play breaks.  Also a ball or squeaker toy are great options that allow your dog to burn through some puppy excitement before it’s time to focus again. If you’re looking for a budget friendly bundle with both treats and toys.

Other Thoughts

Before getting a new puppy, however, you need to find out if your place is pet friendly. Many local property managers incorporate pet policies into their lease agreements. The best move starts with looking at your particular campus rental uptown lease agreement. As always, you can also call your landlord with any questions. Remember

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