Elephants are amazing creatures. They are the largest land animals on the plantet. There are three recognized species of Elephants. The three species are the African bush elephant, African forest elephant and the Asian elephant. Each of those three species is part of the family Elephantidae. That family includes the extinct mastadons, mammoths and straight-tusked elephants. Elephants have a trunk, tusks, large ear flaps, large legs and tough but sensitive skin. African elephants have larger ears and concave backs. Asian elephants have smaller ears and level backs. You will likely not see an elephant at Ohio University or near your Court Street Apartment Rental.
Court Street Apartment Rental Ideas
Female elephants spend their entire lives in tight-knit matrilineal family groups. Many of these groups are made up of more than ten members. That includes three mothers and also their dependent offspring. Led by the matriarch, which is often the oldest female, she remains leader of the group until her death. During dry season groups may combine with other family groups to form a clan. Male elephants can be very social when not competing. They form life-long bonds with other elephants. Like elephants, you too can form life long bonds with your roommates at your Court Street Apartment Rental.
Elephants can recognize themselves in the mirror. This indicates that they have a high level of self- awareness and cognition. Elephants will use tools. Though, tool modification in elephants is not as advanced as with chimps. You can also use cleaning tools to help keep your place clean. There is debate in the scientific community to what extent elephants feel emotion. They show interest in the bones of their own kind regardless of whether or not they are related. Fortunately, you will not run across any elephants near your Court Street Apartment Rental.