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Housing Off Campus

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Whether you plan to be in your Housing Off Campus or at the gas station, we all should be practicing new habits to promote health and safety. Nobody, not even the smart people at Ohio University, knows how long this will last either. So we better just acclimate ourselves to a new normal. Below we found some helpful suggestions to try and also infuse in our daily lives. Pick and choose what you want to follow.

Housing Off Campus ‘Do The Five’

On Google, they posted a campaign that encourages people to Do The Five to help stop coronavirus. It’s a simple way to promote healthy habits during times like this. Some say these habits should be used more frequently during ‘normal’ times whether inside or outside of our Housing Off Campus.

1. Hands – Wash them often

2. Elbow – Cough into it

3. Face – Don’t touch it

4. Space – Keep safe distance

5. Home – Stay if you can

Wu-Tang Clan also to the Rescue

Coming to all of us directly from the 36 chambers, members of the infamous Wu-Tang Clan are also urging the public to Protect Ya Neck against the coronavirus. They cleverly found a way to use their name as an acronym for public safety. Here it is:

W: Wash hands

U: Use masks properly

T: Touch nothing

A: Avoid large crowds

N: Never touch your face with unclean hands

G: Go to the hospital if you have severe symptoms

Personally, our heart belongs to the Wu-Tang public service announcement. Google’s platform always allows it to find ways to easily spread love. So they constantly find spots to give a shout out. The Wu doesn’t have such a venue. They seem to try and promote good health and also well being much more since they’ve entered their later years in life. They also promote diversifying your bonds in the episode of Chappelle’s Show that highlighted Wu-Tang Financial.

Housing Off Campus Pic