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Local Rental

Category: Category:   Bulletin Board

We must come clean about the seo title and meta description of this post. You know, the heading and first line or two of your google search results. The catchy song riff lodged itself in a few heads here recently after being heard at a local rental. It worked nicely into the format required for blog posts. Don’t try to think about it too much because there is no deep thought there. Moving along, the Ohio University campus in Athens just woke up to the day after the national presidential election. It happens every four years. Let’s take a look.

Red Local Rental

It will be easy to over simplify this, but roll with us here. We pretty much have two types of occupants in each local rental. Basically, you are either red or blue, politically speaking of course. Ohio as a state leans center right, or slightly red. When you look at the partisan county map, Athens is the only blue county in this corner of the state. A sea of red deeply surrounds the county on all sides. So it’s fair to say that there is lots of red support in this area, which also includes the city of Athens.

The Blue Ones Too

On the other side of the spectrum, you see the blue local rental. The previously mentioned sea of red exists throughout the entire state. Imagine a red Ohio with several blue dots peppered throughout the state. These dots are the counties with larger cities located in their borders. Larger cities tend to lean more blue, which creates the dotted partisan county map. Since the number of people concentrated in those blue counties is higher, the overall picture starts to even out proportionately in the end. Since Athens is primarily a college town, that tips the scale blue for this small town.

Local Rental Pic