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The Ohio Housing Market

Category: Category:   Bulletin Board

Athens is a wonderful place to live, as long as you can actually find an affordable place to live in the Ohio Housing market.  Some people find great deals that are close to work or school, others end up paying too much for places that don’t fit their needs.  In order to help you better navigate the market, we have put together a few simple steps.

Some Basics

  • Know what you want before you start Do you want housing close to Ohio University or uptown Athens? If so, know that you will likely need to pay a little more or settle for a smaller place.
  • How much can you spend? – This is obvious, but be sure you know what your price range is so that you are not wasting your time looking at places that are too steep for your budget. The market offers a wide range of prices, so you should be able to find something that fits your needs. Don’t forget to budget in not only rent and utilities but food, clothing, nightlife, etc.
  • Do you need air conditioning, dishwashers or washers and dryers? – Make a list of what you are looking for in a home.


Other Ohio Housing Necessities


  • Be diligent in your search You can find plenty of listings online, in newspapers, through friends and by walking around. Check out all available properties before settling on one.
  • Ask about security deposits– Make sure you know what you will be paying for your security deposit.   Amounts vary throughout the city.
  • Ask about parking Parking is viewed as a precious commodity with Ohio Housing in Athens, so be sure to ask.
  • Understand your neighborhood Is the place you are looking at in a student neighborhood, family neighborhood, business district or out in the country? Make sure you know something about your neighborhood before you sign a lease.

Ohio Housing Pic