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Ohio University House Rental

Category: Category:   Bulletin Board

Well, well, well, the new year is off to the races.  There’s so much to be excited about with having a fresh start.  By the way, how’s that New Year’s resolution holding up so far?  Have you held strong to your convictions?  Even after returning to your Ohio University House Rental that contains many temptations you should avoid?  Or were you one of those who didn’t even try to make a resolution for this year?  Well, for anyone who cares to listen, these thoughts on New Year’s resolutions at Ohio University might come in handy.

Ohio University House Rental Rules

Perhaps the one resolution you decided upon this year was to institute some new house rules.  Nobody enjoys doing the dishes before cooking.  Mostly because then the dishes need to be cleaned again when you’re done!  Maintaining a clean kitchen also ranks high on the list.  But if you want a well kept food preparation area, setting some rules always helps.  Write a list of basic norms you want to establish.  Then put that list on the fridge, above the sink, and/or the bathroom in your Ohio University House Rental.  You can also put a list in any other room you’re trying to keep clean.  Make sure you’re not too outrageous with these new lists of demands.  Your roommates might take offense and perceive the move as hostile.

New Workout Routine

Losing weight or getting in shape always takes the top spot for New Year’s resolutions.  Everybody want’s the beach bod while eating the beer and pizza diet in their Ohio University House Rental.  January 1 presents an annual day of reckoning for those with these aspirations.  Keeping your body lean and mean is no secret for most.  Diet, exercise, and moderation.  Almost anybody can maintain a healthy weight by eating properly, moving around regularly, and always practicing moderation when splurging.  This formula works for most, but not all.  Good luck sticking with your resolution.

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