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Rental Before Labor Day

Category: Category:   Bulletin Board

We realize things have been quite crazy over the past several months, which includes the rental market. But has anyone looking at a calendar actually digested the days that are coming? We would like to assume most people also look at the calendar as we do. This means you should realize that Labor Day is only a few days away! Under normal circumstances, that often means socializing and/or vacationing in some fashion. Obviously, these are not normal circumstances. So a lingering question remains, what you plan to do in your rental before labor day? Are you going to plan to visit friends or relatives over the extended weekend? Think you might just stay home and shelter in place like the last six months?

Rental After Labor Day

While the majority of people planning a holiday search for an availability before Labor Day, some look for a place after that day. Why would anyone do that? Well, it often has to do with scheduling and pricing. When trying to find a place for after Labor Day, the selection increases. Most people do not want a rental during that time. Consequently, the prices also drop dramatically with most of these places. If nobody is looking for a rental, those prices are probably going to be cheaper. We’re not Ohio University economics professors, but that was in our Econ 101 class. Simple supply and demand.

What’s Next

Towards the end of most blogs you often find some analysis about the subject and content provided. While that is all good and dandy, it will not be the approach we have decided to employ here. We have a threshold to keep in mind when writing these things. As long as we correct the recommended improvements, the google bots have a much easier time finding us.

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