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Rental Athens Ohio

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This town bursts at the seams with pizza joints. You can find a pizza spot near any of our Rental Athens Ohio. The students here at Ohio University have many pizza options. Pizza is a multi-billion dollar industry in the US, with Americans spending as much as $45 billion on it each year. The majority of this spending happens at restaurants, with pizza chains and independent pizzerias making up a huge portion of the market. In 2019, pizza was the most popular food in the US, with 36% of Americans consuming it at least once a week. We also enjoy a good pizza and are not shocked by these numbers.

Rental Athens Ohio

The first recorded use of the word “pizza” appears in written records from Gaeta, Italy in 997 AD.  During the 16th and 17th centuries, also the word “pizza” became more widely used, particularly in the southern regions of Italy. That’s crazy to know how long pizza has been here and its obvious it is here to stay. We are here for it as we are pizza lovers.

From ancient Mesopotamia all the way to the Indian subcontinent. There is evidence of people making. Eating seasoned breads very similar to the kind consumed all over the world today. While cities like New York and Chicago might be the most famous diaspora pizza communities also outside of Italy. They are certainly not the only ones. In the United States alone, several cities and regions have their own unique pizza variations. We have several options here in Athens. Also walk any where in town and get pizza. We have several options even pizza by the slice. You can get pizza from morning to night here in our small town. Do you like flat bread? We will also have that here.  You can also get great flat bread at our farmers market on the weekends.

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