Electric bills seem to skyrocket every summer. Paying close attention to your energy bills for Student Rentals Ohio University can help save lots of money. As a college student, money is always tight. Before summer gets into full swing you should check out these options for lowering those bills.
Fans for Student Rentals Ohio University
Any fan will be cheaper than running an air conditioner. If you plan to stay in one place for a while, try turning off the air conditioning and use a fan instead. You might find it’s just as easy to stay cool but for much less.
Programmable Thermostats
Ever heard the term set it and forget it? That’s the beauty of these things. It changes the temperature while your away to save money. It doesn’t get any easier to save money with this.
Window Options For Student Rentals Ohio University
They make special films for most window types. Try the summer film or the winter film. The winter film makes an air tight seal to stop any drafts. The summer film easily attaches to the glass and also lowers the heat gain from the sunshine. Many stores sell the DIY kits for this.
Or you can also try opening the window at night. This is often a great way to save on energy costs. You can even combine the open window with a mounted fan. That’s often used at Ohio University to cool down a larger area or to make it as chilly as possible.
Clean/Replace the HVAC Filters
A clogged filter makes the unit work harder. It also works less efficiently for Student Rentals Ohio University. Cleaning or replacing the HVAC filter is usually easy and also inexpensive.
All Inclusive Rent
The easiest way to avoid having to worry about saving money on energy bills is to live at an all inclusive location.