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University Campus Apartments

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Gorillas are a very large animal. Gorillas also live on the ground. They also mainly eat plants in the forests of Africa. We can also divide Gorillas into two types. The DNA of gorillas has a lot of similarities with that of humans. They are also the third closest living relative of humans. You can learn a lot about gorillas by doing a little research at Ohio University. You can do research from the comfort of your university campus apartments.

University Campus Apartments

There are 200,000 gorillas. Though, they are some of the most at-risk apes on the planet. There are also many threats to their survival. These include killing, habitat destruction, and disease. These sorts of things threaten the survival of the species. However, efforts to help have gone well in some areas. You probably won’t see a gorilla near your university campus apartments. If you do, you should call the police.

Gorillas move around by walking on their knuckles. Sometimes they walk upright for short distances. Gorillas in captivity often grow overweight. One such gorilla weighed 683 pounds. You can divide a gorilla’s day between rest periods and feeding periods. That sounds pretty similar to the day of a human. You can enjoy your own rest periods and feeding periods at your university campus apartments.

The Quiet Life of the Gorilla

Gorillas rarely drink water. This is because they consume a lot of plants with enough water. Gorillas live in groups called troops. Groups of gorillas are usually made of one silverback, multiple adult females and their children. The silverback is the head of the group. He makes all of the decisions. He fixes conflicts and decides where the group goes. They also lead others to feeding sites, and taking responsibility for the safety and well-being of the troop. You can be the leader of your group and sign a lease for a university campus apartments.

Gorillas are also thought to be highly intelligent. Although, they are not as smart as humans. You also can become very smart by studying at your university campus apartments. Gorillas are related to humans and can get diseases that humans also get infected with.  In 2004, about 700 gorillas in a park in Congo were almost wiped out by the Ebola virus. You probably won’t see a gorilla near your university campus apartments. If you do see a gorilla, call the police.

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