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University Student Housing

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It’s summer and time for cook outs and we have a good recipe for you. University Student Housing is located near Ohio University. We also have a farmers market near us. They also offer a great variety of veggies for this recipe.

Tomato season is one of our favorite times of year. With their sweet savory nuanced flavor, all you need is a few simple ingredients to make them taste extraordinary. Lets go over a few fun recipes with tomatoes. At the top of all tomato recipes blistered cherry tomato pasta. Here’s a recipe for when the mornings are hot and also the farmers markets are stuffed to the brim with tomatoes. Here is what you will need listed below.

  • Cherry tomatoes: Use the ripest, best cherry tomatoes you can find. Farmers market tomatoes are ideal. These days many grocery stores carry hydroponic greenhouse cherry tomatoes, which can have good flavor. Make sure you know the quality before making this recipe!
  • Balsamic vinegar: Balsamic vinegar adds just the right sweet tart tang to the tomatoes. Use aged balsamic vinegar if you can find it, but any works.
  • Olive oil: It goes without saying: use extra virgin olive oil.
  • Salt and pepper

University Student Housing

Crowd the pan with tomatoes, and they will steam instead of blister. The tomatoes release their juices, resulting in a gooey, sloppy mess. Also here are two tips on how to avoid overcrowding:

  • Use your largest skillet. Use a very large skillet. . You can use a cast iron, steel, or non-stick skillet: whatever you have. Cast iron is nice because it holds heat well.
  • Cook them in batches if it is too crowded. Our largest skillet fits 2 pints of tomatoes and still allows space between them. But yours may not. If the tomatoes are touching each other and crowded in the pan, blister them in two batches.

Also lets not over crowd the pan. Good! Here are a few other tips on how to make this fast and easy recipe:

  • Use medium high heat. While some recipes might instruct you to use high heat, we found medium high was just right and there’s no chance of smoking oil.
  • Don’t stir in the first minute! This helps the first charred side to develop.
  • Shake the pan occasionally, instead of stirring. Stirring can cause the tomatoes to burst, which gets too many juices in the pan (and risks steaming). Shaking the pan rotates the tomatoes and gets a char on all sides.

You can also serve them so many was. You can do a pasta dish also as an appetizer or even as a side dish. Get creative with them and see what yummy things you can make in your university student housing.

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