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Uptown Athens Rentals

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Our friends in the uptown Athens rentals near Ohio University like to grow food. Growing some of your own food at home offers multiple benefits: healthy and delicious food, a wholesome and inexpensive form of recreation, and the psychological benefits of doing positive for yourself, your family and the planet. Starting a vegetable garden can feel like a daunting task if you have no previous gardening experience.  This page and also the resources mentioned below are meant to give an overview of some of the steps involved.

Uptown Athens Rentals

If you have to choose between a sunny spot or a close one, pick the sunny one. The best location for a new garden is one receiving full sun. Also one where the soil drains well. If no puddles remain a few hours after a good rain, you know your site drains well. After you’ve figured out where the sun shines longest and strongest .Meanwhile your next task will be to define your garden goals. My first recommendation for new gardeners is to start small. You can tuck a few successes under your belt in year one, and scale up little by little.

If you’re starting your kitchen garden on a patch of lawn, you can build up from the ground with raised beds, or plant directly in the ground. Additionally building raised beds is a good idea if your soil is poor or doesn’t drain well. If you like the look of containers made from wood, stone or corrugated metal. Meanwhile this approach is usually more expensive, however, and requires more initial work than planting in the ground at your uptown Athens rentals.

Sun and rain willing, but also fast growers such as radishes and salad greens will begin to produce crops as early as 20 to 30 days after planting. Also check on them regularly so you get to harvest them before someone else does. In my garden, those include everything from the tiniest of bacteria to the largest of raccoons. Various protective barriers and organic products can deter pests.

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