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2 Bedrooms Athens Ohio

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Some people living in 2 bedrooms Athens Ohio think they only need sunscreen when they are going to the beach. Other people going to Ohio University know they should be wearing sunscreen every day, but they don’t. Many people only have their sunscreen handy during the summer months, but you need to wear sunscreen everyday whether it’s sunny or cloudy. It is really important to remember to wear your sunscreen every day or you may be putting your skin at risk. You can also find clothing and hats with SPF protection! You can also find travel size sunscreen at most department stores!

2 Bedrooms Athens Ohio

Ultraviolet rays are always present, and they are the cause of sun damage and skin cancer. The walls of our 2 Bedrooms Athens Ohio block ultraviolet rays. However those rays easily go through clouds even if the sun isn’t visible. Sunscreen blocks these rays and reduces your chances of getting a sunburn. Look for a broad spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30+ for the best chance of being protected from the sun. Broad spectrum sunscreens protect you from UVB rays and also UVA rays. You should apply sunscreen all over your body and not just your face.

Remember That…

You may think the damaging effects of sunburn go away once the redness fades, but that is not the case. Ultraviolet rays penetrate the skin deep into its layers, where cells can be damaged and also killed. Sunburn is the skin’s reaction to ultraviolet radiation from the sun. You can see sunlight or feel heat, but you can’t see or feel UV radiation. Sunburn is also radiation burn to the skin. The long terms effects of sunburn won’t just leave you with wrinkles but also the risk of skin cancer. This includes melanoma, the most dangerous type of skin cancer.

Oh Dear

Not using sun screen has so many harmful side effects such as Melanoma it develops in the cells that produce melanin. Melanoma can develop anywhere on your body. It most often develops in areas that have had exposure to the sun, such as your back, legs, arms, and also face. Melanomas can also occur in areas that don’t receive much sun exposure, such as the soles of your feet, palms of your hands and fingernail beds. These hidden melanomas are more common in people with darker skin, which is why you should wear sunscreen everyday no matter your skin type. Keep all these things in mind next time you walk out the door.

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