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Athens Apartment Rentals

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Fall is the season for coziness, comfort food, and our Athens apartment rentals to enjoy the last of nature’s best weather. Regardless of whether the leaves around you change or not, fall is a time to take advantage of all the outdoor activities you can squeeze in. The best part? So many of these Ohio University fall festivities can be done at no cost whatsoever. How fun and a great way to keep busy!

Athens Apartment Rentals

  • Host a costume party.

It’s fall,  and that means it’s time to break into the costume chest and drag out your weirdest, wackiest (or maybe even scariest) looks. Gather your friends and loved ones and throw a hilarious costume party for a sure-fire fall event..

  • Visit a corn maze.

In many parts of the country, unless you live somewhere that’s warm year-round, corn mazes are a popular fall activity. As cornstalks start to wither and die, many farms will plow paths through them to make fun and also challenging corn mazes.

  • Do fall yard work.

Looking to get some work done around those Athens apartment rentals? Fall is an excellent time to do yard work! Summer’s flowers and gardens are starting to die, and temps are dropping, making outside work more palatable. Chop up fallen trees, or have a professional remove them, cut weeds and old flowers back for new growth in the spring, and plant seeds that can overwinter in your garden.

  • Start your Christmas shopping.

By the time October begins, you’ve got less than three months to get your holiday shopping list checked off.  Think of early holiday shopping as one of the best things to do in the fall!

  • Make your own candles.

Candles practically go hand-in-hand with fall, with all the yummy scents and cozy vibes. Also with only a few ingredients and basic precautions, you can whip up candles right at home, using all the scents you love.

  • Visit a farmers market

This is a great way to support local farmers and also your community. You can grab some fresh local fruits and veggies for all your fall recipes. Think apple pie, pumpkin pie, and also a ton of soups!!

Fall Favorites

These are just a few of our Athens Apartment Rentals favorites for the fall.  What are some of your favorites? You can also always make some new family fall traditions!

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